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Women Sex Problems

Existing and repeatable problems with sexual response, desire, or orgasm pains that make you to be uncomfortable or hinder your relationship with your partner are known medical as sexual dysfunction.

There are lots of women that have problems with sexual function at some point in their lifetime, and some have difficulties throughout their lives. Women’s sexual dysfunction may occur at any stage of life. This can only happen in certain sexual situations or in all sexual situations.

The sexual response involves a complex interplay of physiology, emotions, experiences, beliefs, lifestyles, and relationships. Disorder of any component can affect sexual desire, excitement, or pleasure, and treatment often involves multiple approaches.

How does sexual dysfunction affect women?

The most common problems associated with sexual dysfunction in women include are listed below:

  1. Inhibited sexual desire. This is simply a lack of sexual desire or interest in sexual activities. There are lots of factors that have been found to play vital roles in lack of desire, including hormonal changes, medical conditions, and treatments (e.g. cancer and chemotherapy), depression, pregnancy, stress, and fatigue. Boredom coupled with regular sexual routines may also contribute to a lack of enthusiasm for sex, as can lifestyle factors, such as careers and the care of children.
  2. Inability to become aroused. For women, the inability to wake physically during sexual activity often involves insufficient lubrication of the vagina. This disability may also be related to anxiety or inadequate stimulation. In addition, researchers are studying how the problems of blood circulation affecting the vagina and clitoris can contribute to excitement problems.
  3. Lack of orgasm (anorgasmia). This is the absence of sexual climax (orgasm). This can occur as a result of a woman’s sexual inhibition, inexperience, lack of knowledge, and psychological factors such as feelings of guilt, anxiety or past trauma or sexual abuse. Other factors contributing to anorgasmia include insufficient stimulation, some medications, and chronic illnesses.
  4. Painful intercourse. Pain during sexual intercourse can be caused by a variety of problems including endometriosis, a pelvic mass, ovarian cyst, vaginitis, poor lubrication, and the presence of scar tissue from surgery or sexually transmitted diseases. The condition called vaginismus is a painful, involuntary spasm of the muscles which surround the vaginal entrance. This can also happen in women who are afraid that penetration is painful; they may also be the result of sexual phobia or from a past traumatic or painful experience.


To diagnose female sexual dysfunction, your doctor may:

  1. Discuss your sexual and medical history. You may be uncomfortable talking to your doctor about these personal issues, but your sexuality is key to your well-being. The more you can be aware of your sexual history and your current problems, the better the chance of finding an effective way to treat them.
  2. Perform a pelvic examination. During the examination, your doctor will check for physical changes that affect your sexual pleasure such as thinning of your genital tissue, reduced skin elasticity, scarring or pain.
  3. Order blood tests. Your doctor may recommend blood tests to check for any basic health problems that may contribute to sexual dysfunction.

Your doctor may also refer you to a counselor or therapist who specializes in sexual and relationships problems

Treatment of sexual problems

Remember that sexual dysfunction is just a problem if you do. If you do not mind, there is no need for treatment.

Since sexual dysfunction in women has many possible symptoms and causes, treatment is different. It is important that you communicate your concerns, understand your body and your normal sexual response. Additionally, your goals for your sex life are important for choosing the treatment and whether it will work for you or not.

Women with sexual problems are most often used by a combined approach to medical, emotional and relational treatment.

Non-medical treatment of sexual dysfunction in women

  • Practice healthy lifestyle habits
  • Seek counseling
  • Use a lubricant
  • Try a device

Medical treatment for female sexual dysfunction

Effective treatment for sexual dysfunction always needs addressing an underlying medical condition or hormonal change. It can be recommended by your doctor that you should change your present medications or prescribing a new one.

Learn more about Sexual problems in women

Best Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that plagues most men at some point in their lives. The important thing to note here is that even though this disease seems horrible to most men – this is due to their own interpretation of the disease. Many men feel that this is very emasculating as being able to maintain a firm erection is one of the centerpieces for most men. They fail to realize that, at the essence, erectile dysfunction is usually a relatively harmless condition.

That being said, there are some things that you could do in order to treat your erectile dysfunction problems. The first thing that you need to do is having a physical exam. If you consult with your doctor, then he or she will be able to tell you exactly what kinds of exams you will need to do in order to determine any underlying causes of erectile dysfunction. You can do blood and urine tests as well. The barrage of tests will be able to determine if there is an underlying problem that causes erectile dysfunction as a side-effect. An example of this kind of insidious disease is diabetes – it can ruin your blood vessels and your nerves and with it cause erectile dysfunction.

If you consult with your doctor, then he or she may prescribe some medication for you to use. You may have to take some pills like Viagra or Cialis in order to get a lasting, firm erection. These pills work by increasing the effects of nitric oxide. For those of you that don’t know – nitric oxide is a very important element for men’s erections. The lack of nitric oxide or its decreased potency can result in impotence. There are studies that show that over 90% of all male erectile dysfunction can be pinned down problems with nitric oxide. As is the case with most medication – taking Viagra or Cialis can have negative side-effects as well.

You can also use a penis pump in order to create an erection. The way penis pumps work is by sucking out the air around the area of your penis and enticing increased blood flow to the area. This will create an erection. In order to maintain a hard erection, you may need to use a penis ring at the base of your penis. This will restrict the pulling out of blood so that the erection can last longer. There are side effects to this as well – such as bruising and the penis being cold to the touch.

In all cases, erectile dysfunction is nothing to laugh at. It can (and does) happen to everybody at some point in their lives. That being said, there are options that you can try out and resolve your erectile dysfunction issues. If you follow the advice from above, then you’ll have a big chance of solving this problem. The smartest thing to do though is to contact your doctor and ask for professional advice. We hope that you will manage to effectively resolve it, check erectile dysfunction symptoms here.

Controlling High Blood Pressure

Chances are that you have heard the saying that high blood pressure is a silent killer. This is due to the fact that it’s asymptomatic for the most part but it can ruin a person’s health in the long run. It can devastate a person’s cardiovascular health or heart disease if left unchecked for prolonged periods of time.  This is why you’ll want to stabilize your blood pressure into normal levels. Below you will find some advice on how to do so.

The first thing to do is to visit the doctor regularly for the purpose of measuring blood pressure. The doctor will be able to give you important advice about how to manage your blood pressure. He or she will also tell you if you have any current issues with high blood pressure that you need to work on. In a bit more extreme situations, you may get prescriptions for stabilizing your blood pressure. You should adhere to them and start taking this medication regularly.

Then there are lifestyle factors that you need to change if you wish the best for your blood pressure. One of the most important things to do is decrease your weight – if you have issues with being overweight. For every 2.2 pounds that you lose, you will be able to get a decrease of 1 millimeter of mercury of blood pressure. So, taking care of your weight is one of the most important things to do in terms of blood pressure.

Exercising is also a very important thing to do in order to decrease blood pressure. Doing exercise for half an hour for most days of the week can get you a decrease of 5-8 mm/Hg if you have any issues with high blood pressure. In all cases, your best bet is to talk to your doctor for more information on whether you should begin to exercise. Generally safe forms of exercise that have been shown to be beneficial for a person’s blood pressure are walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc.

Eating a healthy diet can have a tremendously beneficial effect on your blood pressure. In all cases, you’ll want to eat fewer meats and processed foods and more vegetables and fruits. A balanced diet is the most important thing that you can have. In time, you will notice dramatic improvements not only in your blood pressure but also in your overall health.

Reducing a person’s sodium intake has been shown to have a positive influence on their blood pressure. Of course, people vary in how powerfully sodium influences their blood pressure. But if you have a diet rich in sodium and low in potassium – then you too may have issues with high blood pressure. Try to decrease the level of sodium and increase the level of potassium that you ingest in your body.

If you follow the advice from above, then you will experience a beneficial effect on your blood pressure. At the same time, you will be improving your overall health. These are the benefits of having a healthy lifestyle.

What is high blood pressure?

Protecting Your Sexual Health

The importance of the sexual health of a person cannot be overstated. It’s important to stay healthy in the deepest meaning that the word implies. And this involves abiding by some preventative measures that will keep your sexual health untarnished and secure. That being said, below you will find some information about how best you can protect and improve your sexual health.

  1. Hygiene.

If you want to remain healthy, then you need to keep clean. This goes especially for your sexual organs. A person needs to invest effort and time into maintaining nigh-perfect hygiene. In most cases, a bar of soap and some clean water will do the trick. A person will just need to regularly clean themselves and their sexual organs. This will make sure that they will maintain their sexual health.

  1. Being mindful of your sexual partners.

Sex is one of the most pleasurable activities for most people. However, it too is not without its risks. If you wish to maintain your sexual health, then you have to make sure that your partners are healthy. If they have an STD, then they could easily transfer it to you during intercourse. The sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are, for the most part, transferred through saliva, blood, and bodily fluids. In this sense, even a simple kiss can make you catch a serious disease like mononucleosis. It’s important to be open with your sexual partner about these subjects. If you can’t really be sure about the state of their sexual health, then you may want to err on the side of caution.

  1. Use condoms.

On a related note, the use of condoms is one of the most important things that you could do protect your sexual health. Condoms are shown to be very effective in the prevention of the transmission of many sexual diseases – to say nothing of unwanted pregnancies. However, it’s important to note that even the condoms aren’t perfect. Even if you wear or your partner wears a condom, you’re not 100% safe from catching and transmitting any STDs. In this sense, only celibacy is a perfect prevention method.

  1. Live a healthy lifestyle.

This advice is not only related to a person’s sexual health, but also to a person’s general health as well. One of the most important things that a person can do in life for the improvement of their overall health – sexual health included – is to start exercising and eating properly. If a person does these things, then he or she will experience a dramatic improvement in their overall health.

In conclusion

So, by now you’re armed with basic information about things you can do in order to protect your sexual health. As you can see, these things aren’t so difficult to implement. It’s when you go over yourself and you act in a risky way that your sexual health may suffer. So, follow the advice from above and you will notice a dramatic improvement in your sexual and overall health in time.

Sexual health from world health organisation

Sexual Therapy

Sexual therapy is a form of counseling for people and couples in order to find a solution to sexual problems for example performance anxiety or other problems which are found to be related to the relationship.

Sexual therapy is scheduled to take place in the office of a therapist. Some individuals prefer to attend sessions alone; while others attend with their partners. The frequency and length of the session usually vary as it depends on the client and the type of problem being solved.

It is common for clients to feel anxious during meetings with a sex therapist, most especially when meeting for the first time. A lot of people are not as convenient as they find it very difficult to talk about sex, therefore talking about this with a stranger seems to be difficult. However, the majority of the sex therapist are aware of this and always put try everything within their power to ensure that their clients are comfortable. They often ask questions about the client’s health and sexual history, sexual education, their opinions about sex, and specific sexual problems of the client.

During meetings with a sex therapist, it is vital to understand that sexual therapy sessions do not involve physical contact or sexual activity between clients and therapists. In the event that you are not comfortable with some aspect of therapy, you have the right to voice out or put an end to your meetings with such a therapist.

There are some works which you can do at home with your partner; this is known as “homework”. It is assigned by your sex therapist and it is expected of you to practice these activities in the privacy of your home.

Listed below are some of the homework:

  • Experimentation. Couples who have the feeling that they are in a sexual rut can try different activities, for example, role-playing or using sex toys, to further boost sexual desire. It may be recommended for other couples to make an adjustment to their sexual routine or positions, most especially in cases where one of the partners has a health problem that demands such changes.
  • Sensate focus. This procedure is designed for couples to build trust and intimacy while reducing anxiety. Couples progress in three phases, starting with non-sexual contact, progressing toward genital contact and, in general, ending with penetration.
  • Education. Sometimes clients do not get adequate sex education during their growth. Because of this, they may not have the knowledge of anatomy and how the body works during sexual activity. In this case, a sex therapist may assign books or web content to read or videos to watch online. It can also be suggested by sex therapist that clients should make use of a mirror in order to have a better understanding about their body.
  • Communication Strategies. Clients may engage in the act of requesting for what they want or need when it comes to a sexual or emotional relationship.

The success of a sexual therapist depends on the commitment of the clients to the process. If clients are willing to make efforts alone or with a partner, they can achieve their sexual goals.

How to find a sex therapist?

One of the best ways to find a sex therapist is to ask a doctor, but it is useful first to have a complete physical examination. Some sexual problems are related to basic medical conditions. For example, many men with diabetes or heart disease suffer from erectile dysfunction. Women may have poor lubrication after menopause. Treating these conditions can lessen the problem. However, if a physician suspects psychological causes, it may be directed to a sex therapist.

A professional organization is also another way of finding a sex therapist, they have been found to reveal the names of licensed experts with the appropriate qualifications.

The relationship which exists between the client and therapist is important. Sometimes clients have to talk to several therapists before finding the one who suits them. If for any reason the client feels embarrassed, he must put an end to meeting the therapist.
