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Natural Ways To Boost Your Sex Life

During sex, if what you want is more excitement, Stimulation, and Satisfaction, there are so many ways get this done without the use of a drug. If during sex, you cum with the speed of light don’t be worried about this as there are many ways to get out of this naturally.

Below are some of the natural ways that have been shown to be effective by an expert to improve your sex life.

  1. Set your sexual mood as a priority

Most of the times, if you crave for more and better sex, this simply requires clearing your schedule. It can be difficult to be in the mood if you have a lot of things to do and there is not enough time to get it done.

Planning for sex might be unromantic, but most of your important plans are included in your schedule, so why not sex? It is best to have enough time to relax before going to bed since women need to relax before their libido appears, says Sadaty.

  1. Work your mind and take note of your thoughts for better sex

If your brain performs a feedback loop on the reasons you have identified about how you should feel guilty about sex or maybe your body is too skinny or too ugly to play, recognize the thought when it comes up and change it to a more helpful one.

This will improve your sex life because, as a meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology reveals, people who were open to sex could have better explored their sexuality without guilt.

  1. Do not forget to use lubricants for better sex

Sexual intercourse may be more comfortable if you add a lubricant, which reduces friction, irritation, and, therefore, inconvenience. You can buy an official lubricant in a pharmacy or use home-made oil such as coconut oil. Care must be taken as you must make use of a nonlatex condom if you DIY because these oils can damage latex.

Do not try to hide your need for lubrication from your partner. Be part of your sexual routine and have fun with it.

  1. Set your body in motion to improve your sex life

There are some cases where you have forgotten that the exercise you are doing for your heart and muscles is important for a good sexual relationship, but do not forget that blood circulates in your genitals, as well as in your heart.

For example, men with erectile dysfunction (ED) may sometimes reverse this problem by adopting a healthy lifestyle including exercise, according to a research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Researchers have found that even in men who need ED medicines, healthy lifestyle changes probably contribute to the benefits.

  1. Get enough sleep for good sex

Sleep is another factor affecting libido. One of the reasons is that hormonal secretion controls the body’s internal body clock and that sleep patterns are likely to help determine the body when they release certain sex-related hormones.

For men and women, feeling tired when you go to bed zaps, regardless of the libido you may have had a few moments ago.

In addition, in men, getting enough sleep can increase testosterone level (lower levels may be related to sexual dysfunction), according to a review published in the Journal of Brain Research.

  1. Masturbate or stimulate for better sex

By carrying out some experiment on yourself, this will make it easier for you to know what satisfied you sexually you can as well relay this information to your partner.

For women, masturbation can have other benefits. Dryness of the vaginal and pain can be reduced when you spend enough time stimulating yourself.

That is why sexual therapists often recommend masturbation as a tool for women who have problems with reaching orgasm. You may want to add a vibrator for improved stimulation.

Conclusion, all the things your parents tell you like sleep well, eat well, train more; all these are good for your sexual health. It’s time to listen to your mum.

Read More: Improve male sexual performance

Sexual Performance Anxiety

Sex should be an enjoyable experience, but it is difficult to feel sexy or intimate with your partner when experiencing sexual performance anxiety.

What are the causes of sexual performance anxiety?

Many different worries have been found to cause sexual performance anxiety. Listed below are some of the causes of the problem:

  • The fear that you may not perform well in bed and able to satisfy your partner sexually
  • Poor body image, including your weight
  • having problems in your relationship
  • Fear about the size of your penis
  • Concerns over premature ejaculation or taking a lot of time to reach orgasms
  • Anxiety associated with the inability to have an orgasm or enjoy the sexual experience

All of these things can cause your body to release stress hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine.

What are the symptoms of sexual performance anxiety?

The current state of mind of an individual plays a big role in the ability to get aroused. Even if you are with a person you consider sexually attractive, worrying if you could please your partner can prevent you from getting that done.

One of the impacts of the stress hormone is to narrow blood vessels. When less blood flows into the penis, it is difficult to get an erection. Even guys who do not have the difficulty getting excited may find it difficult to get an erection when they are defeated by sexual performance anxiety.

Sexual performance anxiety is often common in men but it has found to have an impact on women’s arousal as well. Anxiety reduces the way a woman is lubricated during sex and it can also disperse their physical desire to make love.

Anxiety can get you out of a real mood for sex. When you focus on your performance, you cannot focus on what you are doing in bed. Even if you can get aroused, you risk becoming too distracted to get an orgasm.

Overcoming sexual performance anxiety

In the event that you have sexual performance anxiety, talk to a doctor, a person you are comfortable with talking about your sex life. Your doctor will carry out some examinations on you and also do some test in order to make sure that your condition is not related to any health condition or medication.

During the examination, your doctor will ask you some questions including about your sexual history, this is done in order to know how long you’ve been battling with sexual performance anxiety and what kind of thoughts hinder your sexual life.

Drugs and other therapies can help treat erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems due to physical causes. If the medical problem is not guilty, your doctor will recommend that you try one of the following methods:

  1. Talk to a therapist. Arrange a meeting with a counselor or therapist who is experienced in treating sexual problems. Therapy can help to have better knowledge and then reduce or eliminate problems that are responsible for your sexual performance anxiety. For example, if you are concerned about premature ejaculation, you can try out some techniques that will help you get more control.
  2. be open to your partner. One of the best ways to get rid of your worries is by discussing with your partner about your anxiety. When you try to find a solution together, you can come close as a couple and improve your sexual relationship.
  3. Exercise. Exercise has been found to be one of the ways you can use in order to solve problems which are related to sexual anxiety performance as it helps you to feel better about your body and it also improves your stamina on the bed.
  4. Distract yourself. During sex, play some romantic music or sexy movie. Think about something that turns you on. Forgetting your sexual performance can get rid of the worries that stop you from getting excited.

In conclusion, be very careful as it is important for you to take it easy.  Do not worry about your appearance or ability in bed. Seek help in the struggle against sexual performance anxiety so that you can return to a healthy and enjoyable sexual life.

How to improve sexual performance

Sex & Relationship

The best way a sexual relationship can bring positive result is when both parties have a better understanding of what exactly they want. In the event that you fail to tell your partner what you want, you will later discover that what you expect is entirely different things. One of you may be looking for an adventure, and what the other party seeks is nothing but marriage.

A lot of individuals find it very difficult to differentiate between love, dedication, and sex, or suppose the three are always together. There are different ways to show love, and sex is not part of them as it is not when you have sex that you show your partner that you love them. Sexual relationship with someone does not necessarily indicate that you are in love with them. But sex is important in a relationship unless both parties are not into it at all.

Sex in a determined relationship can make people closer and strengthen their love. Having sex in unsettled relationships can also be fun and encourage people to feel better friends. Whether you have one night or a wedding for fifty years, it is very important that you like, respect and has trust in your partner and that you feel liked, respected and believe in him or her.

Types of Relationships

When venturing into a new relationship and through a relationship (often due to the expected change over time!) Discuss whether you want a relationship that is:

Committed or non-committed: This has to do with whether you want a committed relationship such as a marriage, long-term relationship, child upbringing, sharing finance and/or sharing a home or what you want is a less committed relationship? Friend with benefit is quite common now, you know what kind of benefit it is. The busy work life are affecting people’s relationship, they tend not to go into serious long term relationship but just meet up for sex.

Friendly or Romantic: This involves taking a decision on maybe what you want is a relationship based on friendship or do you prefer a romantic and intimate relationship?

Sexual or non-sexual: Do you expect to have sex with that person? If this is what you want, are there any sexual activities you want to do and others do not want?

Monogamous or non-monogamous: Do you want your relationship to be with that person alone, so that only the two of you have sex with each other, or not so that you and your partner will have sexual intercourse with other people?

Do not forget to check each of these questions separately. All combinations are possible!

Common Relationship Structures

Asexual or non-sexual: Asexual people generally have no sexual feelings and/or choose not to have sexual intercourse. Individuals that are identified as asexual may want emotional relationships, including long-term committed, loving, non sexual partner. Other people do have sexual feelings, but do not want or are not ready to have sexual relations with other people. So, these categories of people are completely or selectively abstinent. Most of them are women, as some of them don’t even experience orgasm before.

Lifetime mutual monogamy: In this type of relationship, every person has only one sex partner in life. Both partners do not have sex with another person; they only have sex with each other.

Mutual Serial Monogamy: This is a relational structure which is common in many adults. When a person is seriously monogamous, they engage in sexual activities with more than one person in their life, but they only maintain a long-term sexual partner, where both partners are monogamous, they only have sex with each other.

Mutual fidelity: This is similar to mutual monogamy, except that there may be more than two people involved in this type of relationship. Groups or families of three, four or more may have sex with others, but do not have sex with people outside the group.

Sexually non-monogamous relationships: Non-monogamous sexual relationships include consensual/honest non-monogamy for example “casual dating,” swinging, polyamory, and open relationships, as well as non-consensual/dishonest non-monogamy, which is also referred to as cheating. There is a wide variety of non-monogamous sexual relationships structures that people can choose in which one or more members of a couple of groups have sexual relations with others.

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