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Discuss Sex With Your Friends

Sex, in most people’s view, is an intimate activity that shouldn’t really see the light of day when it comes to getting it public. However, there are still many benefits that you will experience by sharing your sexual experiences with your friends. That being said, this article will tell you about some of them.

The first benefit is that talking about sex is actually fun. There are many things that you can talk about – positions, current partner, ex-partners, favorite places to do it in – there are no limits to what you can talk about. And almost everybody will be able to share something fun that has happened to them while they had sex at some point. So, if you wish to have some fun, then you will do well to share something about your sexual experiences with your friends.

Your friends can also give you some useful pointers about the direction you’re headed. Think of it like this – you don’t know what you don’t know. Perhaps there are 1001 ways in which you can improve your sexual life and make it even more pleasurable than you ever thought possible. Well, some of your friends will likely have had some experiences that rocked their brains. Perhaps you can imitate them, in a way, and get your brain rocked, too!

Sadly, sex is not always a great experience for many people. The fact of the matter is that many people have difficulties with the high level of intimacy that sex requires for it to be successful. If you believe that you’re a hard-case – then we suggest that you go and talk to a professional psychiatrist. However, if you have smaller issues that you think can be resolved – then one of the best things to do is to talk to your friends about them. They will be able to give you some guidance as to what exactly you should do in order to solve your sexual problems.

But are there any bad things that can happen to you if you happen to talk to some of your friends about your sexual experiences? Well, if they are true friends – then the possibility for something to go wrong is practically non-existent. However, if they are not truly your friends, then they may share your sexual experiences with other people and even in public. And this is something that most people aren’t really prepared to share with the world. So, always try to be mindful about the people you’re talking with. Not everyone deserves to know more about your sexual experiences.

But overall, you will have a net beneficial effect of talking to your friends about sex. Regardless if you learn something new or if you just have some fun while doing it – we think that you should let yourself loose every once in a while. Don’t hold everything in – sometimes you need to show some vulnerability and be honest about what you do. And you are likely to benefit from this vulnerability of yours in big ways.

Why Sex Is Important In Relationship

Apart from reproduction, the importance of sex cannot be underestimated most especially when it comes to any committed relationship. The ultimate goal is about intimacy, satisfaction, and sexual expression. There are many benefits which can be derived from sex including physical, intellectual, emotional and social benefits. Having a better knowledge of these benefits will enable couples to recognize that sex in their relationships will not only help them but also help strengthen their relationships and create a wider sense of intimacy in a loving relationship. Whether it is a long-term relationship or relationship that has just begun, sex is an important thing which must be considered for the whole health of the two partners.

Physically, active sexual life can have many benefits, including a youthful look as a result of better nutrition habits and frequent exercise. Research shows that sexual activity burns calories and fat, but can also lead people to lead a healthier life in general. It was found that people who had sex regularly had a higher level of antibodies known as immunoglobulin A (IgA), which, according to researchers from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, helps to fight disease and protecting the body from colds and flu.

One other benefit of sexual relationships is that it helps us to sleep more comfortably and through better sleep, it helps to boost the immune system of the body. Another hormone called oxytocin which is released during orgasm has been shown to be beneficial to other parts of the body. Increased level of the brain reduces heart problems in both men and women. It can also help to reduce pain.

Frequent sex has many benefits for a woman, such as feeling a lighter period with fewer cramps. When the uterus contracts, it releases the body of compounds that can cause cramp and can oust blood and tissue more quickly, which bring a quicker end to your period. Sexual intercourse also reduces blood pressure and increases bladder control, which is important for women after delivery. Orgasm is associated with the reduction of prostate cancer in men and protection against endometriosis for women.

Sex has also been found to be beneficial for the emotional health of an individual including the whole health of the relationships. Sexual satisfaction is closely related to the quality of life in general. Increasing sex increases your sense of well-being and satisfaction with yourself.

When everything is good for you and your partner in bed, there will be an increase in your self-confidence in other parts of life. According to sex therapist Sandor Gardos, “when things go well in bed, you feel more confident and powerful in other parts of your life,” which makes us more daring and outgoing in life. It increases our self-esteem, a sense of attractiveness, desirability, ability, and self-confidence.

In our relationships, our there is an increase in our intimacy because of loving physical contacts resulting in a large amount of oxytocin released during sex and kissing. We have developed the desire to create a relationship, that is, the desire to cuddle and hold one another. Sex with a person you are not in love can still be comfortable but does not respond to an emotional need. So it’s best to keep this for someone you care about.

Read About: Intimacy and Relationships

Sexual Performance Anxiety

Sex should be an enjoyable experience, but it is difficult to feel sexy or intimate with your partner when experiencing sexual performance anxiety.

What are the causes of sexual performance anxiety?

Many different worries have been found to cause sexual performance anxiety. Listed below are some of the causes of the problem:

  • The fear that you may not perform well in bed and able to satisfy your partner sexually
  • Poor body image, including your weight
  • having problems in your relationship
  • Fear about the size of your penis
  • Concerns over premature ejaculation or taking a lot of time to reach orgasms
  • Anxiety associated with the inability to have an orgasm or enjoy the sexual experience

All of these things can cause your body to release stress hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine.

What are the symptoms of sexual performance anxiety?

The current state of mind of an individual plays a big role in the ability to get aroused. Even if you are with a person you consider sexually attractive, worrying if you could please your partner can prevent you from getting that done.

One of the impacts of the stress hormone is to narrow blood vessels. When less blood flows into the penis, it is difficult to get an erection. Even guys who do not have the difficulty getting excited may find it difficult to get an erection when they are defeated by sexual performance anxiety.

Sexual performance anxiety is often common in men but it has found to have an impact on women’s arousal as well. Anxiety reduces the way a woman is lubricated during sex and it can also disperse their physical desire to make love.

Anxiety can get you out of a real mood for sex. When you focus on your performance, you cannot focus on what you are doing in bed. Even if you can get aroused, you risk becoming too distracted to get an orgasm.

Overcoming sexual performance anxiety

In the event that you have sexual performance anxiety, talk to a doctor, a person you are comfortable with talking about your sex life. Your doctor will carry out some examinations on you and also do some test in order to make sure that your condition is not related to any health condition or medication.

During the examination, your doctor will ask you some questions including about your sexual history, this is done in order to know how long you’ve been battling with sexual performance anxiety and what kind of thoughts hinder your sexual life.

Drugs and other therapies can help treat erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems due to physical causes. If the medical problem is not guilty, your doctor will recommend that you try one of the following methods:

  1. Talk to a therapist. Arrange a meeting with a counselor or therapist who is experienced in treating sexual problems. Therapy can help to have better knowledge and then reduce or eliminate problems that are responsible for your sexual performance anxiety. For example, if you are concerned about premature ejaculation, you can try out some techniques that will help you get more control.
  2. be open to your partner. One of the best ways to get rid of your worries is by discussing with your partner about your anxiety. When you try to find a solution together, you can come close as a couple and improve your sexual relationship.
  3. Exercise. Exercise has been found to be one of the ways you can use in order to solve problems which are related to sexual anxiety performance as it helps you to feel better about your body and it also improves your stamina on the bed.
  4. Distract yourself. During sex, play some romantic music or sexy movie. Think about something that turns you on. Forgetting your sexual performance can get rid of the worries that stop you from getting excited.

In conclusion, be very careful as it is important for you to take it easy.  Do not worry about your appearance or ability in bed. Seek help in the struggle against sexual performance anxiety so that you can return to a healthy and enjoyable sexual life.

How to improve sexual performance

Communicating The Importance Of Sexual Health To Your Children

Learning more about sexual health is one of the most important things that you can do that have the potential to uplift your overall health. Everyone should learn more about it and start applying the knowledge. However, the topic gets complicated when you take children into the equation. There are hundreds of very important questions that come up into play here. At what age should your child be when the two of you will talk about sexual health? Should you even talk to your child about sexual health or just wait for him or her to find out on her own? Or should you hire someone else to do the talking since it’s inconvenient for parents and their children to talk about sex?

Well, the truth is that there are no clear-cut answers to these questions. They need to be answered on an individual basis. As a parent, it’s your job to do the talking. However, if you feel that you’re not very educated on the subject – then you can always hire a professional to do the talking for you. There are many experts in sexual health and sexual education. Sexual education is even a subject taught in many schools around the world. The last one is a vigorously debated question – if there should be sex education in schools – and it’s a prime example of the point that there are no clear-cut answers to these questions.

In all cases, as a parent, you will need to closely monitor the psychological and physical growth of your child. If you’re careful enough, then you will be able to see the first inklings of your child’s sexuality. This typically happens when puberty hits – or near it. There are exceptions though and, again, it’s your job as a parent to detect these things.

Once you start to see that your child or teenaged kid shows some signs of developing sexuality – now may be the time to act. Of course, you should always communicate in a clear way. Always make sure that you talk in the language of your child. Children are much smarter than people typically give them credit for. If you pack the message properly – then your child will most likely understand it.

And there are several important things that you will need to tell your child about the importance of sexual health. First of all – you can try with the “controversy-free” parts, like the importance of hygiene of the sexual organs. This is a very important thing that everyone should pay attention to for the purpose to maintain the sexual health. And then you can delve a bit deeper into the subject – like the origins of the sexual feelings of your child and the implications of having sex and of the ways in which people can have safe sex. To be fair, these are subjects that your child won’t need in the near future, so, it’s up to you to determine the need for communicating them to him or her. This is knowledge that will typically come in handy later on in life. But it doesn’t hurt to know it earlier.

It’s a touchy subject and most people have their own set of opinions about it. Make sure that you really ponder this subject deep before taking any action. If you’re confused and doubtful – then you can always consult a professional and ask for an advice. The core most important thing to be aware of is that your child will have to one day learn about the importance of sexual health. It’s up to you to determine the time and the method for this education.

Read More: How to talk to your kids about sex: An age-by-age guide

Sex Addiction

Sexual addiction can be best described as a progressive intimacy disorder which is characterized by forced sexual thoughts and acts. Just like all addictions, its negative impact on addicts and family members is growing as the disorder progresses. Over time, an addict usually needs to intensify the behavior of addiction in order to accomplish the same results.

For some people who are addicted to sex, behavior does not go further than compulsive masturbation or the extensive use of pornography or sexual services by phone or computer. For others, addiction may include illegal activities such as exhibitionism, voyeurism, obscene phone calls, sexual abuse, or rape.

Sex addicts do not necessarily turn to sex offenders. Moreover, not all sexual offenders are addicted. Approximately 55% of convicted sex offenders can be considered sex addicts.

About 71% of child abusers are sex addicts. For many of their problems so serious that imprisonment is the only way to ensure the safety of society against them.


The causes of sexual addiction are still unknown. Addiction originates in the reward center of the brain. This can happen when some parts of the brain confuse reactionary reactions to survival mechanisms.

The midbrain is part of the brain that manages the body reward system and survival instincts. As sexual activity creates a rush of dopamine, the “feel-good” chemical in the brain, this causes a sense of satisfaction. The midbrain then confuses this sense of pleasure as vital to survival.

One possibility is that a person with a sexual addiction, the frontal cortex or the brains center of logic and morality will change the midbrain.


However, persons with sexual dependency may depend on different types of sexual behavior. This makes it difficult to define. It also suggests that the disorder originates not from the action of the individual, but from the obsession with their realization.

Sexual addiction seems to include the adoption of rules that will feel in state control and then breaking them to create new rules.

Activities associated with sexual addiction may include:

  • compulsive masturbation
  • multiple affairs, sexual partners, and one-night stands
  • persistent use of pornography
  • practicing unsafe sex
  • cybersex
  • visiting prostitutes or practicing prostitution
  • exhibitionism
  • voyeurism

Treatment of sex addiction

Addiction can be difficult to treat because a person with addiction simplifies and often justifies their behavior and thought patterns. People with sexual addiction may deny the existence of problems.

The following treatment options are available:

Self-help organizations, such as Sex Addicts Anonymous, Sexaholics Anonymous, Sexual Compulsives Anonymous, and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, offer 12-step programs to help the individual in self-managing the condition.

There are residential treatments programs which are available to people with various addiction disorders. These are in-patient programs where a person lives in the facility and receives specialist therapy.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) provides various techniques that help individuals change their behavior. CBT can equip a person to avoid relapse and reprogram harmful sexual behavior.

Prescription drugs, such as Prozac, may be prescribed to reduce sexual drive but the drug has not been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating this condition.

Sexual activity is different. Like eating, it is necessary for the survival of man. Although some individuals are celibate – others are not by choice, while others choose celibacy for cultural or religious reasons – healthy people have a strong sexual desire. In fact, lack of interest or low interest in sex may indicate a medical problem or psychiatric illness.

Read More: Dealing With Addiction To Porn
